Chrisley Knows Best

Savannah Chrisley Opens Up On Codependency & Boundaries

Chrisley Know Best alum, Savannah Chrisley opened up about co-dependency and boundaries recently, and it might explain why she so desperately fights for the innocence of her father, Todd Chrisley. Or, it might not be that deep, as she also talked about Grayson and Nic Kerdiles. Read on to find out what she’s saying about relationships with men.

Savannah Chrisley Is Too Controlling?

The Chrisley Knows Best alum has been accused of being too controlling with her little brother, Grayson. For example, he wants to go to college. However, she is adamant that he will fail and just not try hard. Some fans think she should let him have some responsibility and stop micromanaging him.

Savannah Chrisley - Instagram
Savannah Chrisley – Instagram

The other thing that Savannah Chrisley does is defend her dad, Todd Chrisley, against those who question his innocence. He was found guilty in a court of law for fraud and tax-related crimes. Critics argue that there was a mountain of evidence that suggests he wasn’t smelling like roses.

Chrisley Knows Best Alum Is The Giver

On her latest Unlocked podcast, Todd Chrisley’s daughter opened up about how she can’t seem to separate her feelings from things the men in her life might do. She talked about “codependency,” a controversial psychological condition identified in the 1980s.

Savannah Chrisley and boyfriend Robert Shiver
Savannah Chrisley and her boyfriend Robert Shiver

According to Positive Psychology, Savannah Chrisley is talking about “Taking care of others, to the point where they forget to take care of themselves.” This can result “in a disturbance of identity development.” Additionally, Psychology Today explained that “one can enable a loved one’s irresponsible or destructive behavior.” 

What Did Savannah Say?

In her podcast, the reality TV star said, in part:

[There’s a] pattern of painful dependency on compulsive behaviors and approval from others in an attempt to find safety, self-worth and identity…

Savannah Chrisley on personal mental health - Unlocked YouTube
Savannah Chrisley on personal mental health – Unlocked YouTube

Furthermore, she mentions how she finds that there are “no boundaries.” Mentioning Grayson Chrisley, she talked about how she takes on board “everything” for him and struggles to spare him her own bad experiences.

Grayson Chrisley - YouTube
Grayson Chrisley – YouTube

In her conversation, she mentioned her dad and Nic Kerdiles. Certainly, it seems that she wants to excuse the men in her life for anything because she wants to make them seem as perfect as she can. Interestingly, Positive Psychology likened “codependency” to a partner who will defend their man against drinking too much or behaving badly.

What are your thoughts on what Savannah Chrisley said about boundaries and codependency? Do you think that by being a giver, she’s sacrificed her own needs to the men in her life? Are you surprised that she might be excusing their mistakes and being responsible on their behalf to her detriment? Shout out in the comments below and come back here for all your Chrisley Knows Best news.

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