Royal Family

Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet could still become working royals despite Megxit

A royal watcher wrote into a popular US magazine asking about Archie, 5, and Lilibet, 2, with the question being published and answered.

Sussex Family Holiday Card

Harry and Meghan live with their two children in Montecito, California (Image: Sussex Holiday Card )

Prince Harry and Meghan may not be working royals, but fans of the Sussexes are wondering about their children, who in fact hold royal titles.

Royal expert Jack Royston addressed the possibility, saying: “George will not have any right to actually call the shots until he is king, which will likely be many years from now, potentially as many as 50 to 60 years if William’s reign continues into his 90s, as Queen Elizabeth II’s did.”

He included a possible snag in the plan: “That is of course assuming neither William nor George turns down the opportunity to wear the crown.”

Until George takes the throne, William will be “calling the shots,” says Mr Royston.

He then went on to address the possible future for the Sussex’s two children.

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There’s a while before George takes the throne, a lot could happen (Image: Getty)

He added: “However, once George is king, there is no particular reason why he could not invite Archie and Lilibet to return.”

“After all, they remain in the line of succession.”

At this point in time, Archie and Lilibet are sixth and seventh in line to the throne, respectively. That could change as the years go on, depending on the Wales children having children of their own.

The first question creates a second question as to whether or not Archie or Lilibet would like to be working royals, which Mr Royston says is “dependent” on George asking his cousins to join The Firm and the Sussexes accepting the offer, who would be in their 50s.

According to Mr Royston, the world will be a different place by then and it’s “impossible to say, but he does point out, Archie and Lilibet may decide to pursue careers and could go on to become film stars, leading into Prince Harry and Meghan’s pursuing entertainment careers”.

The Sussexes currently live in Montecito, California which isn’t far from Hollywood, and it is perfectly possible Archie and Lilibet may follow in their mother’s footsteps, who was a working actress when first meeting Harry.

Daily Express US spoke to The Spectator’s Kara Kennedy about this very topic last year, who said: “I think the truth is that regardless of Lilibet and Archie’s title and actions when they get older, their parents’ decision has tarnished them forever.”

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