Royal Family

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle issued urgent warning as they risk diluting Sussex brand

EXCLUSIVE: A PR expert has cautioned Prince Harry and Meghan Markle that they need to focus one one key thing for their revamped brand to succeed.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were warned that mixing their royal links with their celebrity activism without a unified narrative could have a negative impact on their Sussex brand.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have launched a ‘PR blitz’ in 2024 after they revamped their brand earlier this year and have since embarked on a number of engagements and projects, including Meghan Markle’s lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard, their two new Netflix shows about polo and cooking, as well as their latest “unofficial royal tour” in Nigeria.

However, their “unique hybrid brand” material was analysed by a PR expert who warned the Sussex couple need to have a strong and unified narrative in order to not confuse their audience, which in turn could weaken their brand impact.

Renae Smith, founder and director of the Atticism, insisted that high-profile brands like Harry and Meghan’s, “consistency is key”.

She explained to the Express: ” Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s current strategy of mixing royal gravitas with celebrity activism presents a unique hybrid brand, but it certainly brings challenges alongside its opportunities.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle walking

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were warned over their brand marketing (Image: Getty)

“Their varied activities—from media productions to launching lifestyle brands and engaging in international humanitarian efforts—showcase a desire to leverage their high profile in multiple arenas.

“However, from a PR perspective, the lack of a unified narrative could confuse their audience and potentially weaken their brand impact. Think of it as a ‘jack of all trades, master of none’ type scenario – it could actually just dilute their brand.”

Ms Smith added: ” For brands, especially those as high-profile as Harry and Meghan’s, consistency is key. A clear and consistent message helps build a strong, reliable brand that audiences understand and trust.

“When the message becomes fragmented, it can lead to audience disengagement. Focusing on a core set of aligned initiatives might help them strengthen their brand identity and deepen their impact.”

The PR specialist also touched down on the Montecito couple’s potential future “unofficial royal tours” abroad and claimed they could boost their overall image, however they need to focus on one key thing.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visit Nigeria

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex recently visited Nigeria (Image: Getty)

She explained: “Regarding the idea of ‘unofficial royal tours,’ these could enhance their image as compassionate, proactive figures on the global stage.

“Such tours are clearly part of a strategy for them to maintain a presence in royal-like duties that align with their personal missions of advocacy and charity.

“However, the success of these tours would heavily depend on their ability to produce real, measurable impacts in these communities, rather than just appearing as high-profile visits. If they can ensure that each tour leaves behind a lasting positive outcome, it could amplify their credibility and authenticity in the eyes of both the public and the media.”

Ms Smith concluded that while Harry and Meghan’s “diverse initiatives” reflect a dynamic range of interests, the couple still need to tie them back to a “central mission statement or cause” which could, in turn, help them maintain “brand strength and clarity”.

However, she advised that focusing on “fewer, more aligned projects could make their brand narrative stronger and more coherent”.

She said: “This focused approach will not only help in building a stronger connection with their audience but also in achieving more substantial, lasting change in their areas of interest.”

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